Saturday, July 31, 2010


It's not always that a business no matter which it is, would last for all of 25 years, and if one has survived all the ups and downs of those numbers of years it must be commended. It's been 25 years of fantabulous service to fashion, by this icon, known and referred to as ADEBAYO JONES, If awards are given for longevity, passion to the arts, and total dedication to what you believe in, then the brand and the man behind the brand would definitely have gotten the highest honors possible in the land, that’s why MM, as thought to celebrate this fashion icon, and gentleman of the arts-Mr. Adebayo Jones for surviving all this years, when brands that had more monetary support have gone kaput and are no more.
Kudos to a great friend, and my egbon, and wishing him many more years of exemplary service to fashion.

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