Saturday, July 2, 2011


That seems to be the hot question, everyone wants answer to and quickly too, and the answer coming from the horse's mouth might be a Yes!!!!, MIGHT BE???, am very sure everyone is asking MM to confirm for a fact,not give a maybe answer, the reason for that is this, yours truly during the week, met by chance the gorgeous mixed race actress at the New Adeniran Ogunsanya Shopping Mall,in Surulere where she had come to inspect her Lingerie store at the upper section of the mall-The store is called Curiosity Lingerie, and in tow with her was a tall, bespectacled man in a suit, who she introduced as her husband, from his introduction of himself, he is supposedly a producer. So to answer that question as par Lilian Bach been married, it might be so, and she might have had a quiet occasion
sometime back.

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