Saturday, August 13, 2011



 For car lovers, or better still for the real aficionados who have the means, a Maybach is one brand of car that sets you apart as one of the rare well-heeled, who knows how to spend good money. When a car goes for around $300,000 standard cost and goes up to $8 million, it needs a bit of TLC & pampering, or don't you think. But when 2 people between them earn $51 Million dollars in only a year, what would $300,000 mean to them, NOTHING!!!!!!. And that's how Mr Carter-Jay Z & Kanye West treated the Maybach recently, for a car that cost that much-We hear a former Niger Delta state Governor, who is presently facing corruption charges in the UK has about 3 of the cars in his Garages around the world.

On the set of the filming of their newest video-OTIS,one of the songs for their new album collaboration-WATCH THE THRONE,both superstars trashed the $300,000 dollar car, the trashing was said to have set them back a further $150,000 to turn it into a trashed out convertible-WORTH $450,000, which was used in the OTIS video, where both hip-hop stars were riding with a bevy of beauties in the back seat. You can check the video above.

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