Friday, January 20, 2012


In case many do not know, Funmi is the delight some and well connected daughter of the late Man of God-Pastor Gabriel Oduyemi, the founder and then General Overseer of the Bethel Ministries Inc, many used to describe him then as a flamboyant Pastor because he was unapologetic about preaching on Prosperity, and what he preached he also displayed personally, he left to be with the Lord in 2005 at the age of 67.

Funmi Oduyemi is the Gospel singing daughter of the Late Pastor, who was one of the contestants on the prestigious- BET Sunday's Best Gospel Singing Competition, where she got to represent Nigeria in 2010, the gorgeous and very stylish damsel is 27 years old.

We got a very rude awakening on Wednesday, when we opened 2 mails sent to us anonymously via the e-mail, that contained write-ups that could defame or damage some one's character, the sender even went further by sending 12 highly despicable and very graphic nude pictures of Funmi, in the write-up, the sender insinuated so many unpalatable things.

 We just want to use this medium to ask some questions, who is this anonymous person hell-bent on destroying a young lady's career and life? Why send privately taken pictures of 2 consenting adults out for public consumption? What crime could the young lady have committed to warrant such despicable action? Why bring out pictures of a relationship that was many years back and that has since hit the rock?

According to our findings the pictures were not taken under duress, it was consensual, and was taken by her boyfriend who she dated for 6 years, so it wasn't like an un-serious relationship. So what does anyone want to gain by being so EVIL!



  1. Thank God you are not Linda Ikeja or else this poor woman's private business would have become the entire world's.
    God Bless you for not publishing them. It shows you have a heart.

  2. lol @ anon! linda ikeji also got the pictures and chose not to broadcast them so know what you're saying!
    pastor oduyemi's children all have comma - breeze blow fowl yansh don open...even if you do not publish them aloba someone will

  3. Maybe you shouldn't have bothered writing about it even. This will make people more curious.

  4. Hypocrisy is a nigerian virtue

  5. Nonsense, y bother us with it when you ain't gonna show the juicy part of the whole story. Is she better than others whose picture were displayed? Hope you ain't asking for some subsidy from her by this?

  6. Thanks 4 not putting em up. much respect.

  7. here you go
    dont mind these ppl

    1. How much did dey pay u now, remember do unto odas as u want dem to do 2 u

  8. Y'all need to know these pictures were taken 7years ago while she dated said guy. She's no longer in touch with said man as he's now married, his reasons for keeping such pics is best known to him. And these were in the states. He who hasn't sinned should cast the first stone. One way or another u have taken a picture for one bf or another so b4 u judge Funmi...think twice and know this might be u or someone u love. And to whoever emailed this picture... Karma is a bitch. Watch out for what goes around sure comes around.

  9. Excuse me I know this girl, he was married when they met, and after dating him for 3/4 years, dated another married man, she is a useless girl and has been since Queens college, I am sorry that she has been embarrassed like this, but KARMA is a bitch, these pictures must have been released by an angry wife, I remember that she would call and confront Ese's wife. This is not shocking to me. I hope she has changed, haven't seen her in 2 years.

  10. Its no longer can watch the pics here:-

  11. I just stumled on dis but I must say dat you have twisted views ms maestromedia,ur heading is absord who is after her,hisssss she didn't know when she was opening her dirty,filthy germ infested vigege for lagos big boys,you also said delightsome,are u just having brain issues?therenothing delightsome about a hoe,did u see all d pix?there are two very explicit ones and one with her poking her fingers into her anuus for clear view of d cameras,delightsome n well connected my ass pls remove dat ur stupid heading bcos its obvious you don't know who or wat ur talking abt,abeg go do ur research" ODE"

  12. its true dat these pics depict d animal in funmi but does it make whoever released it a better person. these pics were taken and shared in confidence but wat has been d result... immaturity... whoever is responsible for these dehumanizing acts to funmi should pause and think. i do not in any way support wat funmi has done, but she is still a human person to be respected cos of d dignity of all. funmi take courage, at d time u did it, it was right cos u did out of trust for love. dis is just a lesson.. trust no man on earth...we appear good only wen we hope to gain....

  13. its quite sad really but he who is without sin cast the first stone na..even if many have not gone as far as this might be, we're all guilty of one thing or the other so dont judge. Because she's a pastor's daughter ehen? is she more or less of a human than we all are? and the anonymous person who said 'pastors daughters are to remain virgins'... show me where in the Bible that's written? pastor's kid or no, every woman is supposed to do that.. Y'all stop judging and get a life. babe, you really can sue for all this because in the end they were supposed to be private advice? get a good lawyer, sue the newspapers, and stop further publications of the pics, dust yourself, commit your ways back to God and continue to use that beautiful voice to glorify Him because in the end, judgement is the Lord''s between you and God. twas never between you and the world anyway..

    1. I am surprised at you blaming the man than blame the man of God daughter who is of knowledge that fornication is abominable before God

  14. i know funmi. i know that she has bad sides but who doesnt. While we condemn the act, we will not throw away the baby with the bath water. He that is sinless should boldly cast the first stone!

    Funmi, whoever did this is a coward! Reconcile with God, make up and move on with your head high! No one can play God in your life!!!!!!

    And to all you judgmental people, take heed lest you fall!


  15. May the nakedness of all the ppl involved in exposing what is meant to be private to somebody esp.(body nakedness)be exposed to d whole world' .expose smbds naked pix abroad without consent---rot in jail

  16. Na wa oo this world has turned to something else , pls ladies and gentlemen pls desist from take pixs or videos of your private affairs cos it can be rather embarrassing once it gets out to the public. one minute of fun can lead to years of regret and shame!!! Say no to video sex and pixs

  17. Reading all the comments made me understand that we use God given energy, time and oxygen to vent on what has nothing to do with thanksgiving. That we all alive, can type these comments should make all of us grateful that we are not lying in morgue or bedridden and begging for God's mercy. It is a shame that this happened but let us allow the owner of Funmi who is Jehovah to take charge.

  18. Did is terrible and whoever did this will never see anything good in his or her life and d stupid bastards supporting d posting of this pix, may this same thing happen to ur children and grandchildren, den u die of heart attack. I know this babe and I'm sure she dint mean it this way. And this person fucking broke her and almost destroyed her life. May ur life b destroyed too, when ure almost getting to a higher position in ur life. Funmi may God heal ur wounded heart.

  19. Well, I just saw this. I dont know Funmi but I knew her father. A man with a unique anointing of the Holy Spirit of God on his life in the hay days of his mimistry. I met him one on one twice: first in his church at Aja, Lagos, in 1992 and later at a crusade in Port Harcourt Nigeria. He is dead now but the impact of God's anointing on his life that I contacted on those occasions remains in my life to this day. I dont know what happened that his daughter should go to this other extreme but I hope she is reading these things and has been able to do something genuinely about her relationship with God. Some of us will be very willing to help her out if she has not. I thank you all.
