Sunday, May 13, 2012

A PENNY FOR YOUR THOT- WHO IS FOOLING WHO? Loves anal sex, but won't do vaginal intercourse

We have thought to start a new series to engage ourselves. We came across this particular write-up and we thought to share it, so we can have as many people’s view as possible. We would be bringing such observations every now and then for we all to discuss. So enjoy this first one and tell us what you think.

This is strictly ADULT STUFF. It goes thus-
My Girlfriend gives great blow jobs and loves anal sex, but won't let me give her oral. Although she is 35, she says she is saving that for marriage. She also claims she has never had vaginal intercourse. Is that possible? Whenever I attempt to go around the front, I get shut down. I would like to at least get a look at it. She is a Christian and sometimes even wears a dress to bed. She rolls it up so I can get to her ass. Should I be worried that she has issues?

What do you all think?


  1. Serious issues. How can any sane woman (i'll leave out gay issues here.) love anal sex? I think the guy should restrain himself and stop allowing BJs and anal sex. If she complains say you are waiting for marriage too.

  2. Tori tori... Let me brief my husband and get back here!

  3. I bet she's a dude, prolly going through a sex change op

  4. Your she might just be a guy

  5. True about the dude thing on. You are so right!

  6. Ehn ehn... I know born agains who claim to be virgins but engage in oral sex give and take! To them sex is penetration.
    As per the story, the woman has odd orientation. She prob won't adjust to vag sex when the time comes. The man sleeping with her must pick race!

  7. olosi, r u sure she's not haemo?? xtian ko, holy moses ni - a beg pass d mic

  8. Why is this a topic of discussion? Mr town crier, a private problem should not be blurted out for public knowledge and dissection. Don't u have someone u can confide in?

  9. Nothing wrong with airing this. We don't know who it is and we are all anons! The girl na kolo, so better run.

  10. She is probably not a man. There is a warped sense of sex among some christians. Some folks dont believe that anal and oral are parts of sex. they believe being virginal means lack of vagina intercourse. Virginity refers to innocence. People need to start educating their children. The sad part of this is that this same 35 year old woman doesnt understand the risks to which she is exposing herself.
