Thursday, July 12, 2012


Many didn't give him a chance in hell to get to where he is right now. After the uproar and condemnation that followed his misbehavior- beating up his then girlfriend- Rihanna after an argument. He was roundly condemned for doing such and deservedly so, but many didn't think he could overcome that terrible time. 

So what did our guy do, instead of stewing in his guilt, after apologizing for his demons, he focused all his energy on work, doing what he knew best to do, singing, dancing and acting (performing). Now the result is visible for all to see, hits upon hits, awards upon awards. The past 2 years should be declared ‘Chris Brown's Years’ and deservedly so, we just hope he would be able to keep up the momentum.

His new album titled-Fortune has just been released and it debuted at Nos. 1 in the US and not just that, we hear it is sitting at the top of several charts, ruling the airwaves. Not only does he have the US in his pocket, we hear that the UK and Netherlands have also followed suit. He also has the Nos. 1 R and B/ Soul Album on iTunes in 22 countries and counting. 

We commend the dude, for being able to rise above his demons and making a success of his life, so far and if we may ask, are we already seeing the HEIR-apparent to Michael Jackson's king of pop crown? This dude is an unbelievable dance machine, though no one yet can lay claim to that one in a billion voice.

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