Friday, November 9, 2012


Fashion in Africa's most populous country, Nigeria has really gone many notch up. It's not like it used to be where some labels or brands were the only ones commanding attention. Many very creative and still very young and unbelievably talented designers are springing up daily and are quietly making a name for themselves. Making good statements with their works. One of such is this Lagos based brand- Rouge Vallari whose new collection is tagged- Beaute Enchantee. This is how the brand describes their latest collection.

This latest collection from Rouge Vallari exudes playful sophistication, from sparkling metallic to vibrant patterns. It is easy to become enamored with the exaggerated splendor which has rapidly become known as the designer's signature style. 

Splashes of colors juxtaposed with dark hues are effervescent as the intense and fierce multihued creations captivate a breathtaking vision. The collection is satiated with powerful navy-midnight-ocean blues, organic fruity red-oranges, crispy zingy reds, bright near luminous yellow and a pervasive range of green tones. The complimentary vibrations of sheer tops, long maxi skirts, big clutches and floor length dresses compliments the girly resplendent shades of pinks which feels both whimsical and luxurious. 

True to form the designer's intricate bead crafting, subtle inclusion of key trends, use of light and dark contrasts against a milieu of bold prints and diffusion of fabrics from Silk to Ankara, gives this much anticipated collection a concentrated intensity deeply saturated with a smoldering edginess.

          'Classique, Fabuleux et amusez,- 'Classy, Fabulous & Fun'

Check out the collection.


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