Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Most likely before the middle of next month, that is December 2013, Polo Ltd one of the top luxury outfits in Nigeria would add another feather to its already over filled luxury feathered body. The first class brand would be launching/unveiling/opening a new baby as an arm of their luxury business that would be called-The Avenue. 

The Avenue which is a super luxury lifestyle store, the likes of those you see at Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue, Selfridges etc would be opening on the first floor at the famous Polo Towers, at 166, Ozumba Mbadiwe Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.

This new initiative we hear is the baby of the very hardworking executive director of the company in the person of Jennifer Obayuwana, the famous first child of the owner of the business. Jennifer over the last few months had been traversing the world signing many deals and strategic relationships with some of the biggest and renowned brands from the best capitals of the world and we are all about to see the fruits of all this trips. 

According to our findings The Avenue would be stocking brands like Gucci, D&G, Jimmy Choo and Balenciaga. Not only are they going to be stocking these brands, they have apparently signed franchise agreements with the brands stated above, so the way it goes is that as soon as the new collections of this brands are released abroad, you can bet you will see them in store at The Avenue. One other famous brand we hear you will see loads of at the lifestyle store is that of Sophie Hulme, the British Fashion Designer made famous for her bag collection.

So fashionistas, style cognoscenti, collectors et al should get ready for a fantastic time of shopping. We recently had a glimpse of the new store and all we could exclaim was WOW! The decor is unbelievably world class, we are so sure that no expense was spared in putting the place together;The lightnings, the shelves, the sits etc speaks  only of class and distinction.

Work is ongoing at a high pace at the location as we speak, so that the store can be declared open in December to take advantage of the Christmas season sales that most store owners believes is always very good.

Kudos to Jennifer for another winner.


  1. I have observed she's a quiet achiever - she doesn't give herself press, unlike some. I admire her for that purpose. More success, Jennifer

  2. The truth is people who are born and bred in wealth are like that. They aren't loud.

  3. Lol, for your juicy jist pls visit www.mimiubini.com

  4. This babe is in need of a stylist. Like today. What is that on her head and the outfits don't fit.
    Congrats on the new venture.

  5. There's just something about this girl that doesn't go down well with me. She always looks so greasy. I think it might have something to do with her weird hair and posture. But for someone who wears and sells such expensive clothes, its amazing how she never manages to look polished.

  6. The babe comes across so in need of a few things.
    A stylist, hairdresser, new group of friends (as the ones telling her she looks good are clearly not her friends), a good rinse or wash, and something which unfortunately no amount of money can buy Class.

    She should be the 1st client at the new place she is opening.
    No, not hating, just stating the very obvious. It would be good advertising as well

  7. why the hate on this lady?

  8. i have always said she has bad friends, the good ones she don push away-not everyone is hating,she needs to hear the truth......she needs to really change her friends im in on that anon at 4.11

  9. Better hair and better eyebrows and she will look better. That's all.

  10. I agree her appearance doesnt scream classy.i mean that wig, imean there are ppl who enter a room and without saying a word u just know, but if I saw this one, I wouldnt think so. I will think what mgbeke Is this. Where did she grow up, am curious, what schools,

  11. @KissMyBigNyash, I don't know Jennifer personally. She has pedigree. She schooled in the United States of America, Paris, Switzerland, Britain - I am speaking Ivy League & Posh schools. They don't come cheap. Maybe her styling interests her, not someone else styling her. No. She is not an mgbeke, she's just not showy. She's an executive director of her dad's conglomerate.

  12. I would think the same. Mgbeke written all over her.

  13. I would think the same. Mgbeke written all over her.

  14. How old is she and how would all these countries fit in? I know of Switzerland and the USA.

  15. Ivy League? Seriously as an Ivy League graduate it is a hard sell to end up running her Dad's store. Stamford, Harvard, Yale and that league not NYU, University of Penn etc.

  16. Her FB says; Studied International Relations at Franklin College Switzerland
    Past: The American University of Paris and American University of Paris.

    So her "American" adventure was in Paris. Looks like she didn't actually school in America so how can she be an Ivy league graduate?

    These are not Ivy League schools. They are expensive notwithstanding.

    Please go and study what Ivy League schools are. Except you are trying to say she's a Yale, Harvard or Stanford graduate.

    Stanford and not Stamford.

  17. she needs to change her friends for sure! or she needs friends that will tell her the TRUTH! bitch! burn that lace wig! dress like a classy EXECUTIVE! she needs everything my gosh> even a make up artist, everything! we are not hating! we know her accomplishments we get it. shes rich but the obvious is you dont look like youve seen money before. you dont have to be loud, but you can look good too! youre a pretty girl its not hard.

  18. well good for her, i guess class can not be bought off the shelve live weaves and red bottom shoes, even if you are a billonaire.

    I mean give Beyonce $10,00 and give lil kim or rapper trina $50,000 to get glam up for an event. We all know who will win. Either you got the IT Factor or you don't. She surely does not. money or not.

    money miss road

  19. Am I the one being attacked? Or YOU don't like Jennifer Obayuwana? Like I said, I don't know Jennifer personally. Hmm..na wah oh!!!!!

  20. Hello! Nigerians are too much into looks, all form and no content! If she likes let her look like alek wek. She is a better achiever than all you 15 myopic commentators, obviously. And I don't care what schools she went to, she could have gone to lautech for all I care. She's obviously doing someth great with her knowledge. Show me what you've done with ur ivy league degrees other than work as slaves for other people. If some of u could add as little as 10 percent input to ur parent's enterprise, ur family and the country won't be so impoverished. Whether she looks like an mgbeke or not, she will be grabbed by any sensible man before all u fake, doll face, panel beated women. U all need to change ur stupid mentality, pls.

  21. Too many people monitoring others on FB. Kai!

  22. Jennifer has a lovely disposition, she avoids drama which is why I'm surprised at the amount of negative comments here. She likes how she looks so you shouldn't let it disturb you at all.

  23. She avoids drama? Being with D'Banj isn't drama?

    1. Maybe with women..females??? Maybe she doesn't want to be friends with certain women..females??? I could be wrong

  24. Joker, friends with Yvonne nwosu and the rest, and dating d'banj knowing fully well you aint his only female does scream avoiding drama.

  25. The point is she looks like crap, not memrobale. if she went to public or private school does not matter. Its just simple online criticism.
    Simple fix too

  26. Yvonne is her friend? Are you sure she's not targeting her dad?

  27. @Anon 4:35pm yup, that's the skank code, they can't afford to tell their friend she needs to work on her appearance before her "market" starts moving faster than theirs. Lol.

    P.s. Jennifer looks like a money miss road because she is one. Even if she boils herself in Chanel no. 5, it won't change that fact. How much education is required to run a family shop? Abeg.

    And this "pedigree" you're going on about, how did her father make his money anyway? People in Nigeria need to stop this ridiculousness of worshiping money and labels and the people who have acquired these things through less than kosher means. Pedigree goes beyond flashing cash, people will never learn.
