Monday, May 26, 2014



Our picture(s) of the day has 5 style icons in focus. One is royalty to the core in the person of Olori Ladun Sijuwade, one of the Oloris(wives) of one of the most flamboyant kings to hail from Nigeria, Africa, in the person of His Royal Majesty, the Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade, Olubuse the 2nd. HRM Oba Sijuwade rules over Ife, which some adherents believe is the cradle of civilisation. Olori Ladun is one of Nigeria's top enduring beauties of all times. She hasn't aged since we have known her and we are just of the belief, that she has a very good helping of the dew or fountain of youthfulness flowing through her veins. The grandmother is always effortlessly stylish.

Another of our subject, is the ageless Yeyeoge of Lagos, that means (Mother of Style of the Centre of Excellence and Aquatic Splendour) in the person of the one and the only, Chief Mrs. Opral Benson, the wife of the late Adekilumo of Lagos, the late Otunba TOS Benson SAN,CFR. Madam is royalty in her own way. She's one of the pioneers of the school of beauty in Nigeria, still ever so stylish at an old age.

Another of our subject, is the incredibly gorgeous fashionista of note, known to many as Senator Daisy Danjuma. The 60 plus epitome of grace, style and charm is the loving wife of one of Nigeria's wealthiest men, in the person of General TY Danjuma rtd, who is the former Chief of Army Staff of the Nigerian Army. Senator Daisy Ehanire Danjuma, is the Executive Vice Chairman of Sapetro, one of her husband's major investment. Sapetro were the main supporter of the AFWN 2014. One of madam's son just got married a few weeks ago, and she's eagerly awaiting the birth of her grandchild.

Not left out of this group, is the newly resurgent Biola Okoya, the incredibly stylish daughter of billionaire industrialist Chief Rasaq Akanni Okoya, the man behind the Eleganza fame. Biola of late, has enjoyed doing the 'Houdini' coined from the name of the famous magician of yore, known for his art of disappearing and appearing. Though she has recoiled a bit from the lime light of late, Biola is still as stylish as they, and stupendously gorgeous, her skin seem to glow with a super radiance that we would love to find out about the secret. At 40 plus, she's still a delight to look at any day

Last but not the least in the group snapshot is none other than Kemi Adewunmi, another very graceful connector, who only just clocked 50 a few months ago and had a glorious birthday celebration party at the InterContinental Hotel, Victoria Island to mark the birthday. She is said to be a silent power broker, who is very sympathetic to the cause of the party at the centre.

The 5 ladies were all seen together at the maiden edition of the Africa Fashion Week Nigeria Gala Night held at the main hall of the Eko Hotel in Victoria Island, Lagos.   


  1. Their stories can write books! That's all!!

    1. Brood of vipers! And biola doesn't look good, she looks overbleached and tired
