Friday, November 24, 2017


We don't know why relaxing, when it is highly needed needs to cause any form of hoopla whatsoever. Even doctors world over recommends it. And it seems like that was the case with the discovery of the above picture.

The Yoruba's having a time honoured saying that goes thus "The very relentlessly hardworking one, also deserves the time and luxury to relax too", it's an assertion that we readily agree with strongly, especially as another saying says "All work and no play, makes Jack a full boy"!

So after all the stress of governance in his state, coupled with the myriads of other things that he has to grapple with everyday, everytime, the lovable executive Governor of the state of Oyo, in fact the record breaking 2nd termer in the person of his Excellency, Senator Abiola Ajimobi and his wife, Florence who is still a delectable beauty  any day took time very recently, to have their own "me"/us" time away from the whole weight of stress. At least so that the Governor can see clearly too. No one wants any dullness of any kind!

From the look of things, it is obvious that both very loving couple didn't allow any thing of any kind to disturb both from luxuriating on the luxury yatch or boat they were on, breathing clean air endlessly and having a fun and very relaxing time. It's very obvious from the picture that this 2 are so very into each other and enjoys each others good company.

Now we know the secret behind many of the great decisions of his excellency.

Kudos sir and madam! More grease! 


  1. Is ok to relax if people in his State are not suffering. Not only is he an wasteful and arrogant fool remembering how he addressed those students but his daughter - Abisola is gallivanting all over the world with stolen money and acting like a fool with equally ratchet Kardashian

  2. Mrs. Ajimobi is the one running Oyo state. Ask anyone who knows the state well. Meanwhile, one of her younger sisters just passed on. Long story....o di bad!

    1. Erm cut the story short thank you

  3. All these corrupt politicians supposed to be hanged! The idiot flexing while his subjects live in abject poverty! This too shall pass!

  4. Real corrupt bastards and I wish someone can wipe all these evil people called politicians from the face of the planet. This foolish frog looking and her messy wife have the guts to be showing their over the top nonsense while the people of Ibadan are suffering. God is coming for all of them sooner than expected
