Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Stella Oduah vs Dieziani Allison-Madueke
There had been the unconfirmed gist whilst both were in power that they were bitter rivals kind of, but the truth behind such gist was not readily ascertained until very recently.

Both were high ranking members then in the administration of the then President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, and had unfettered access to the Number 1 man, but in between them, there was major rivalry what could have led to that we don't readily know, but at least that there was no love lost has now been confirmed with yesterday's revelation by former Aviation Minister, Stella Oduah, who is rhe owner of SPG a massive Oil and Gas Company.

From her recent outburst as packaged in a book said to be coming out soon she claims that she was pushed out from the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan by the chicanery of the former now beleaguered Petroleum Resources Minister, Mrs. Dieziani Allison-Madueke.

The new book is titled "On a Platter of Gold: How Jonathan won & lost Nigeria, written by a former minister in the same cabinet who most definitely should know, by the name Bolaji Abdullahi. According to the very reliable online news platform The Cable, who have seen the advance copy of the book which is yet to come out. The explosive book, packed with revelations is set to be out nationwide after the launch on November 30, 2017.

According to the book, Stella Oduah claimed that when the hoopla from the scandal about the $1.6million armoured BMW purchased for her by the NCAA broke, the President then summoned her for her explanation on the issue. At the meeting with the President were the then SGF Pius Anyim & Dieziani. She claimed that her explanation to the President was seemingly satisfactory as she had claimed there was nothing untoward in the deal.

Alison-Madueke also appeared sympathetic and even promised to speak to her friends in the national assembly and the media “to back down” on the issue.

“I thought she had my back. I did not know at the time that she was actually fuelling it and orchestrating all the media attacks,” she told Abdullahi.

“I knew all along that Diezani could not deal with having another female around who had the kind of access I had to the president. But she went too far. She thought I was the one who leaked the issue of private jet  that put her into trouble with the House of Representatives (Diezani was accused of spending N10 billion on chartered jets). For her it was payback time.”

Twice, she had offered to resign before her sack but Jonathan asked her not to, according to her, yet the issue did not go away.

“Diezani was paying people to keep the story alive. At the same time, she was whispering in [the president’s] ears that he had to take action,” Oduah alleged, adding that the plan to get her arrested by EFCC was countered by other members of the cabinet.

A presidential committee headed by Sambo Dasuki, then national security adviser, eventually indicted  Oduah.

When the president told her that she had to go, Oduah asked: “Did Diezani ask you to sack me?”

Jonathan answered no, but there and then it was agreed that she should be eased out of government.

On January 12, 2014, she was removed as minister.

Abdullahi, the author, was fired as minister of sport in March 2014 by Jonathan allegedly on account of his “godfather”, Bukola Saraki, who had joined other party rebels in defecting to the APC.

Culled from TheCable


  1. Kettle calling pot black!

  2. All these women be asking, give us a chance! Give us a chance! And when you do, they ask for a change! Trash.
