Thursday, January 9, 2020


Mrs. Helen Nwanne Inegbeniki nee Omorodion, is a very well known lady who needs no plenty or highfalutin introduction. A wealthy woman by all standards, both on her own by virtue of her own family, she's one of the children of the Odunanoba of Benin Kingdom, Prince Dr. Henry Omorodion and the sister to a her late billionaire elder sibling Prince Terry Uche Omorodion and then well consolidated by virtue of the fact that she is the wife of mercurial businessman and oil and gas money bag, Chief Francis Inegbeniki, the owner of Ineh Oil, who is a also a real estate juggernaut whom she got married to in 2014 at a most lavish (outlandish) of ceremonies, that got everyone's attention, due to the perceived amount of money that must have been spent to make it happen. Helen's mom is Barrister Chief (Mrs.)Philomena Omorodion, SAN aka Nwabuogho who would be 66 come July of 2020.

Over the years, anything, be it party, event of any kind that the Omorodion's or Inegbeniki hosts, were always a must be at. People always used to fall over themselves to get the invites or to be invited to their dos. All their parties were always off the hook, tipping the scale and extravagant, quite outlandish to put it lightly. And when we say extravagant, we aren't just talking about the plush food and drinks made available; by extravagance we mean in all ramifications, that includes the gifts that are given to those lucky enough to attend.

Just imagine parties where televisions, mobile phones, small fridges and other things are shared lavishly. Hmmmmmmm, so you now very well understand what we mean by positive extravagance. The food and drinks were a given. So the scramble for the invites were always epic.

So just juxtapose such expected lavishness side by side the quietude that now obtains in the life of the same person, as the lady of the house, who is the elder sibling of Nollywood practitioner, Lisa Omorodion, is 44 today.

She seem to have adopted this her more circumspect lifestyle since her beloved, very handsome and quite wealthy elder brother passed on due to complications of illness nor too too long ago. His untimely and painful passing hit the family very hard as he was a much loved person and a pillar of strength to all, in a closely knit family.

So today on her 44th birthday, instead of the expected jamboree like party that all were expecting, it's more like an exclusive dinner instead, to celebrate her hitting 2 scores and 4 years.

From us at Maestro's Media here, we happily say to her, a happy birthday and a more fun and fruitful and healthier years ahead.

Long may you live. 


  1. Women and photoshoping lol

  2. Congratulations to you Helen the fashionist, many happy returns.
    I remember you and your late friend Bose in Uniben, you girls were the best dressed.
