Sunday, June 28, 2020


The Governor of Kano State, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, his wife Professor Hafsat Umar Ganduje and their children, on Saturday June 27, 2020 paid a condolence visit to the family of their In-law, the late Senator Abiola Ishaq Ajimobi, the former Governor of Oyo State who had died very recently in Lagos at a well known hospital from complications arising from the Covid-19 Coronavirus Scourge which later led to multiple organ failure, which was what in the final analysis killed the 70 year old, 2 time (terms) former Governor of Oyo State.

His widow, Mrs Florence Ajimobi and his only son Idris Ajimobi who is married to one of the Ganduje's daughters by name Fatima Ganduje-Ajimobi, received Governor Ganduje and his entourage at their Oluyole residence in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

The former Governor, who was the immediate past Governor of Oyo State, who broke the 39 year old one term jinx that had bedeviled all before him, is slated to be buried today Sunday, June 28, 2020.

Controversies had arisen as per where he would be buried which had led to a delay till today. While the family of the staunch Moslem had favoured him being buried on a part of one of his land in Agodi, Ibadan which is a subject of an on going litigation as was instituted by the late former Governor himself and therefore approval for that burial site was rejected by the state Government led by Engineer Seyi Makinde due to that.

But the state Government apparently bent over backwards to approve that he could be buried at his residence in Oluyole, Ibadan, if the family so wants. Though Agodi and Oluyole are both actually no go areas as per burial sites in the first instance according to the laws of the state.

So all things being equal, the late Senator Abiola Isiaka Ajimobi who may have predicted his own death at age 70, when he once said-

"I normally tell God that if I clock 70 years of age, that would be enough. My father died two months to his 70th birthday, so I used to say even if I make it to 70, that would be okay. Now that I am 70 and enjoying life, I tell God, ‘Seventy is small’…”

would most likely be buried at a site by a Mosque named after him in Ibadan, which may have been the final consensus area approved for his burial after all.

May the soul of the dearly departed continue to rest. And may God bless the family with the strength to continue to bear the lost.

1 comment:

  1. Political alliance.. hope it still stands.
