Sunday, June 28, 2020


The body of the late former Governor of Oyo State, his Excellency Senator Abiola Ishaq Ajimobi was finally laid to rest this morning, of Sunday, June 28, 2020 at his 6th Avenue, Yemoja Street, Oluyole Estate residence in Ibadan, Oyo State.

Contrary to the speculations that he would be buried at the Senator Ishaq Abiola Ajimobi Mosque at Oke Ado in Ibadan, the family after getting the proper go ahead from the Oyo State Government, which had refused that he be buried at another of his landed property in Agodi, Ibadan which is under litigation in a case that was actually instituted by the late former Governor and Deputy National Chairman of the APC himself. Instead prayers were held for him at the mosque after his interment instead.

With the approval from the Government given, the family decided to bury him at home and interment was done according to Islamic rites in a brief ceremony that started at 10.05am, as the late elder statesman was a practising Moslem, whilst his adorable wife, Chief Mrs. Florence Ajimobi is a devoted Christian. Everything was done with the heavy presence of security agents around.

Senator Ajimobi who died due to complications arising from Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic which later led to multiple organ failures is survived by his wife, Chief Mrs Florence Ajimobi and their 5 children- Abisola Kolapo-Daisi, Abimbola, Abolaji Idris, Ajibola, Ajijolaoluwa and various other family members.

He died age 70 having being born on 1949, December 16 of the year to be more specific. He was the 27th ruler of Oyo State and so far, the only one to have ever done 2 terms.

May his soul find rest. 

More pictures of the actual burial after break.

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