Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Like water under the bridge, some of life's experiences have brought me to the realization that in life... learning is indeed, a continuous process.

I have grown to learn, unlearn and relearn.

I have also prayed for a higher understanding of life's experiences, wisdom and appropriate application of knowledge.

Early this year, in the bid to stay atop the trending chats I wrote a story that knowing better now, should never have been published in the first place.

On behalf  of Maestromedia and me, I apologise unreservedly for all the trouble this caused your family.

Even when our story did not mention any names whatsoever, the insinuation/inference/innuendo was clear.

We have since found out that what we wrote about the couple was untrue, sadly putting them in a bad light.

I apologise profusely and sincerely without any reservations whatsoever.

Marriage is sacred and as a man... I should have been more sensitive.

I humbly state as a matter of fact that we hold Mr. & Mrs. Julius Rone in high esteem and respect them a whole lot.

We proclaim that they are exemplary citizens going about their private businesses without any trouble to anyone.

Consequently, we withdraw the story and appreciate your kind.

We shall henceforth be exemplary in our ways, both in our personal situation and subsequent publications.

Yours truly,

Abiola Aloba,
(CEO) Editor in Chief


  1. Provided this wasn't done under duress, I would say this is really courageous of you. It is the right thing to do - to admit when wrong.

  2. I hope they accept your sincere apology.

  3. Thank God for you Aloba, I'm happy you are back and free from the quagmire related to this case.
    Moving forward, please be careful and consistent, you will excel.

  4. Hmm!!
    We yaf heard
