Monday, June 20, 2011


Omawumi confirms: “I feel so thankful for my baby!”

Pop diva, Omawumi Megbele, has confirmed news going around the blogosphere since the morning of Saturday on her delivery of a baby girl in United States. The vibe started after her status update this morning: “A child is God’s reward – Psalm 127:3b. Welcome sweetie,” accompanied by an ‘It’s a girl’ display picture.

“I’m so excited I have delivered,” she announced in a statement from her public relations representatives. “It’s always fulfilling for me when I achieve a milestone in my life.”

The “pretty bundle of joy” was delivered at Rockdale Medical Center in Atlanta.

Speculation about Ms. Megbele’s pregnancy had reached fever pitch from as early as January, as media and other observers pointed to a bulge in her smash hit video “If you ask me” as well as her cover shoot for Genevieve magazine, however Omawumi continued her tradition of keeping her personal life private until absolutely necessary – preferring to take care of the unborn child away from the media glare.

“You know the whole story that once you deliver all the pain goes away,” she added in the statement, “That’s a lie! But when I heard her cry and held her in my arms, I felt so thankful and in awe of God’s awesomeness!”

For her many fans anxious to hear from mother and child, Omawumi is glad to tell them: “Baby and mama are fine, great actually. And we feel soo good!”


  1. congrats Omawumi.
    I love her songs.

  2. Is it by force to marry the guy you were shagging? Why is he running around saying that you're blackmailing him into marriage?
