Wednesday, August 24, 2011


A lot of people would have been wondering why the beautiful actress and most probably the most stylish of them all in Nigeria has been off the radar for a while now, we can tell for free, that's its because she's been in Nairobi,Kenya filming a new movie we hear is planned to be a smash hit, all of the past months, Rita has been showing them in Nairobi, what it is like to have a superstar on their set, and from the feelers we have gotten, she's been giving a fantastic account of herself, most especially her acting prowess, we even heard that Nigeria's number 1 hairstylist-Ugochukwu Igbokwe was specially flown in to Kenya, to style Rita and many of her other co-stars, its not like Nairobi does not have a 1st class hairstylist, but its because Ugo is Rita's personal stylist and she's more comfortable having him, around her at any part of the world she is, then anyone else.

The movie we hear is planned to be out before the end of the year.

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