Thursday, October 6, 2011


The idea is to have something that is uniquely yours, one's peculiar signature, an opportunity not to ''smell'' alike.

Mystique bespoke perfumery is a unique concept, truly new and different fragrance that captures the complete essence of its wearer and not just gives a scent but one to be cherished.

Mystique style of perfumery is based on the ancient cultures of original perfumers from the south of France; the home of excellent perfumery, in the traditions of the perfumers of old.

According to the ‘Perfumer’ Catherine Temitope Omai, the exciting journey began with a nomadic childhood which exposed her to many different experiences of scent. “I would revel in the rich complex scents found in different fragrances on my parent dressing table”.

Her heightened sense of taste and smell led her to explore further as she matured, expanding her palette and understanding of the structure of blending different ingredients and appreciating the singular complexities of each separate part. Caroline uses a high concentration of fragrance to base for a definite scent with economy and staying power, “it is my belief that perfumery is an art and like any artistic endeavor it is about utilizing and manipulating materials to create something that stimulates the emotions through the senses.

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