Monday, April 2, 2012


The inquiry of truth, which is the love-making, or wooing of it, the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it, and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature argued Francis Bacon, late English philosopher, statesman, and lawyer. Bacon was fascinated and infinitely incensed by the human capacity to belabor the truth for self-serving purposes. Centuries since he articulated his popular protestations, Bacon’s words serve as veritable reference points, particularly in the case of Prince Tonye T.J.T Princewill, the PPA Leader and the Prince of the Niger Delta.

 In the wake of carefully coordinated and unsuccessful attempts to neuter the fast evolving political titan and Prince of Niger Delta politics, detractors of Princewill are going the extra mile to undermine the brilliant young man. Recently, they put their rumour mongering mill to work, perpetuating a farce stories about him all over the on-line society journals. It, as such, beggars’ belief to imagine that some mischief makers and rumour merchants would go that far to pollute the intoxicating aroma of love in a blessed matrimony of the Princewills, with a pungent scent of falsehood for only God knows why!

The news presently making the rounds on the internet is a poorly choreographed bunch of lies .It is nothing but a malicious fabrication which has been sponsored by his political enemies and which is calculated to destroy his political career and to bring his children and family into disrepute.  However, for the sake of truth and to the embarrassment of the rumour peddlers who are probably jittery because of his threat in 2015, peeople should know have emerged to protect his good name and denounce the rumour as just another desperate attempt by his political detractors to undermine him.

 Contrary to their claims, friends and well-wishers of Tonye would not have bothered responding to all these acerbic rumours but for the concern and anxiety the false reports had generated among his friends, family, political and business associates, hence this placatory response. Again, Prince Tonye will not be deterred or distracted from his political ambitions and objectives by such fabrications and the fact of the matter is that the authors and sponsors of this irresponsible publication have already failed and will continue to do so.


  1. Aloba MM, this grammer is too much for gist... We're not in a boring Philosophy class!

  2. Has he now come here to launder his image after he was attacked on Ladun's blog? He should have just laughed it off and moved on. People will always talk. Ladun has now pulled the story.

  3. He should do as he likes, we know the truth. Governor oshi.

  4. Mischief makers will just not rest. Even the writer of the story knows absolutely that it is not true. This is the wrong way to publicise your media.

  5. Tonye Princewill sure spent a TON of energy scrubbing this story from the internet. I wonder why? Ever heard that saying "only a hit dog will holler"

  6. Keep talking I yawn when am interested!!!

  7. Tonye that was boning some Emirates Air hostess abegi jor!
