Wednesday, December 19, 2012


She was one of those that helped in no small way to add laughter to the lives of many. Remember her hilarious role in the comedy series ''Fuji house of commotion''. She was very prominent in Nollywood, when her health could still permit then. Holding down many roles, that she interpreted so very well.

Now the one who used to be up and about is very ill, so much so that our collective help is needed. Perhaps, our little contributions here and there can be of help, and that help is needed most urgently.
In all, we hear that about 6 million Naira would do it. So just like you all did before, let's shower on this soul, that same milk of human kindness. ALL WE ASK FOR YOU TO DO IS DONATE, YOUR WIDOWS MITE. Collectively we all can make a change. It's a human life that's involved here, it might be a contribution towards your own future too.

Let's all gather to SAVE NGOZI NWOSU.  We hear her health situation is Kidney & heart related.  Account details for donation is as follows- NGOZI NWOSU, Gtbank, account number-0052851673.

1 comment:

  1. EYAA. She will get well soon IJN.

    Nice post.
    Check out my game too
