Sunday, July 7, 2013



It seems like a drama of the absurd kind is gradually playing itself out in Ekiti State. And if the situation is not nipped in the bud, it might not augur very well for the ruling party ACN in the state. From all indications it is what the opposition wants and they are quietly praying there's no resolution. They must be laughing their heads off right now.

The battle royale quietly playing out is between the incumbent action Governor, who truly has transformed governance in his state Ekiti, he has brought his intellectual capacity to fore in Ekiti in all areas, making sure to touch every area of his State. This seems to have endeared him to his people and even his party seem mesmerized by his work rate and all he has done, so there is the clamour for him to consolidate and go for a second term. On the other side of this battle royale, is a former Commissioner for Information in Lagos State, now a Honourable member of the House of Representatives, in the person of Hon. Opeyemi Bamidele: Who is a strong ACN party stalwart in Ekiti state. He is also said to have the ambition to become the next Governor of Ekiti State. His clamour to rule Ekiti we hear is based on an agreement that the incumbent would run for one term only and then make way.


That seeming agreement is where the dilemma has now come in. The elders of the party, led by Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, seeing all that Governor Fayemi has achieved seem to have resolved to allow him do another term, especially knowing that, that would be a strong reason the electorate would give him another win for a 2nd term. They in all their wisdom had expected that they could prevail on Hon. Bamidele to jettison his personal ambition for the good of the party.

But to the surprise of all, their wisdom seem to have failed them this time around. Most especially as Hon. Bamidele has not capitulated at all and has insisted that he would be contesting the next election against the incumbent.

2 scenarios are already playing out now. It's either Hon. Bamidele would stick to is gun and contest and thereby divide the support that should carry the incumbent to victory. The only option that would be left for the former Commissioner would be for him to dump his beloved party and join the opposition, so as to fulfill his ambition. This scenario might not augur well for his party as that would mean a divided house.

But should common sense somehow prevail, Hon. Bamidele would push his ambition to another season and then still keep the party intact. Any which way, there's already discord sown and that's not good for the party at all.

The likes of the former Governor Ayo Fayose in the opposition, who is hell bent on coming back as the Governor of the state, and others in the opposition would most definitely be having a good laugh right now, and we can bet that they would make sure to play on the discord and if they can do it well, it might work to their advantage. 

 ACN needs to put her house in order and fast fast. A stitch in time, they say saves Nine. It would be sad anyway, if the highly cerebral Governor Kayode Fayemi is not allowed to finish the revolution he has started in Ekiti State. The days of anyhow politics seem to have ceased and no one would pray for it to come back again in a state like Ekiti.


  1. This nah serious wahala oo. Katakata don burst! Bamidele is a very serious contender o

  2. if only they both have a true passion for development. Hell no, their passion is to enrich themselves and make a name.

  3. Hey, shut up there Gossip Police! Keep to gossip. This is not your turf at all. *eyes rolling*

  4. Ha! Ha!! Why the attack on GP now?

  5. She needs to keep to all the Island gossip! This one is for her elders. Mind you, i enjoy her gossip

  6. Kini mo se funyin te fi tako mi? What have I done to you all to warrant the attack?
    It's not bad for me to keep up with politics especially SW Naija where I hail from.
    It's a cold day, can't wait to get home so oga can keep me warm!

  7. Correct girl! Go collect correct kodo, Gossip Police. You are my darling anytime, mwaaah. No hard feelings. Mo luf e gan ni. But you don't understand......this politics one, hmmmm.
