Saturday, October 5, 2013


A big congratulations to the former beauty queen as words coming to us says she has just gotten twins. And it is through a process known as ''gestational surrogate'', when an intended mother cannot carry to term for one reason or the other, so another woman undergoes the embryo transfer process and then carries the pregnancy to term. The intended parent(s) are involved in the process and take over responsibilities immediately after child birth.

If you one of those conversant with the Nike Osinowo story, you would remember her revealing at a time that she battles a condition known as ''Endometriosis'' which is a gynecological condition, and the symptoms are Infertility, terrible pain, constipation and abnormal bleeding. 

So with the birth of the twins, at least the former queen can now boast of kids of her own. However we cannot readily confirm who the twins daddy is, remembering that Nike & husband, Dr Tunde Soleye (now ex-husband) severed their relationship many months back.

So Nike at 47 year old is now mama born 2. We do not know yet, if they are 2 boys or 2 gals or even one of each.


  1. She had a boy and a girl.African Women borrow a leaf from her book. U don't have to suffer untold agony and misery from the society and ur in-laws especially. Stop jumping from pillar to post(babalawos & fake pastors sleeping with u all for fruit of the womb)U have choices at ur disposal.Congrats Nike.

  2. For someone who married at 40, she was smart in taking the surrogate decision at 47. Children are a joy, now it's double joy for her.

  3. Is that picture a joke? seriously? ...that is the ugliest I've ever seen here,her hair is enourmous
