Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Oba Saliu Adetunji, Olubadan of Ibadan

Chief Rashidi Ladoja

Chief Femi Lanlehin

In a move akin to unnecessary harassment and foolish intimidation tactics, 4 unknown men most likely sent by opponents of the King, appeared at the front of the palace of the Olubadan of Ibadan yesterday at Popoyemoja shooting repeatedly to intimidate those at the palace of the king as he was installing some new Mogajis and Baales.

The 4 dastardly actors apparently came in a black Toyota Sienna mini-van which was their operational vehicle.

The gun wielding hoodlums after positioning themselves at the front of the palace of the monarch at just before noon, began to shoot repeatedly for a bit demanding that those who dared to, to confront or engage them. In the ensuing confusion brought about by the shootings, those around and at the front of the palace ran helter-skelter for the safety of their lives.

After about 10 minutes of the utter madness, which didn't still disrupt what was going on inside the inner chambers of the palace, the 4 men later escaped towards Molete.

Though everyone escaped unhurt, it was still a total act of foolishness and unnecessary intimidation.

Curiously, the state government and her appointees (some newly crowned kings) and a large number of the Olubadan-in-council on one side and the Olubadan of Ibadan and his own supporters on another side are engaged in a battle of supremacy. So people are now hoping that this act by the 4 men, might not be in direct response towards the Olubadan's stance.

Curiously, the only member of the Olubadan-in-council to have rejected the elevation to a king by the state government, in the person of the former Governor of the state and a PDP stalwart, the OSI Olubadan (left hand man of the king) Chief Rashidi Ladoja was in attendance at the palace, so also was the Bamofin of Ibadan in the person of  Chief Femi Lanlehin when the shooting occurred. 

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