Monday, October 9, 2017


Gbemi Phillips

Kunle Remi

Gbemi Phillips is the very creative and stylish daughter of the former Chief Judge of the State of Aquatic Excellence, better known as Lagos, in the person of Honourable Justice Ayotunde Adeyoola Phillips.

The very creatively inclined gorgeous lady, who is a filmmaker amongst other things and has had it not too nice as per love over the years, is singing a new far more sonorous tune right now, since cupid seemingly fired an overdose of potent, love potion deeped arrows into her heart and the recipient of this extraordinary outflow of love is none other than Nollywood handsome hunk "Kunle Remi", who is professionally known as Kunle Rhemmy but whose original name is "Oyekunle Oluwaremi Opeyemi". Both are now in a wonderful collaboration singing "It's love at last" "What a feeling" and then finishing it off with the classic "Am so excited, I just can't hide it".

The young dude is the supposed ex-boyfriend of the "former Miss Adesua Etomi", the now betrothed of top Nigerian crooner Banky Wellington. He was a former Guilder Ultimate Search Season 7, 2010 winner.

Dude is acknowledged to be a bundle of talent, him being a registered model, a dancer and an actor also. He is a graduate of the University of Ibadan, where he got a degree in Fishery and Aquatic Wildlife Management. He also has a certificate from the New York Film Academy.

The young man would add a year come October 18 and he is in his early 30s.

Gbemi herself also should be in her early 30s too, if we can still remember very well. She was very in love with a former top music headliner, who later hurt her heart, but she has since moved on since and these lovebirds have both being luxuriating in the unbelievably crazy euphoria of love.

If things works out as expected, maybe it's a walk down the aisle sometime soon then.


  1. New York film academy, Los Angeles?

  2. Love is a beautiful thing! loving someone and someone Loving you back is a wonderful thing!

  3. Enter your comment...goodluck to their love
