Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Eku Edewor

Osime Saibu & Anu Amusan

Kunle Aluko

Seyi Afolabi Tinubu

It's always a time of the year that many plan towards and look forward to, that's the annual Lagos Polo season. That's one of those times the big boys, their wives and girlfriends and their kids all gather together to come show off and pose. That season has come again and the Lagos Polo venue at Ikoyi is already buzzing with activities.

The season began last week and continues this week and would end this coming Sunday, February 25, 2018 with many excitements packaged for the members of the elite Lagos club and their guests/visitors.

Apart from wanting to rub shoulders with the creme of the society, which is why a lot go the Ikoyi based club, one other major reason why the Polo club is a must go to for some people is because of their Suya and also if you are a lover of "Amala and Abula- that's the Amala with gbegiri and ewedu, all in one bowl with cuts of meat for every mound", the Polo club Ikoyi take on it, is totally epic and sumptuously out of this world! The sweetness of the Amala is in the tasting of it.

Have a plate on us!

More after the break.

Seyi Tinubu

NDUKA Obaigbena


  1. Is that Kunle Aluko wife beside him in that pic? She is just too wowo

    1. And you are miss Nigeria still wondering why he chose her over you? Go look bush jor.😂

    2. @ Palesa. STFU. Don't you start with me with your oversabi mouth. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and that is how I see it. How dare you. I have my own man so you might keep him to yourself Madam Foolish
      @anon 5.37pm I have my own man and even if I don't, sorry to give you the news that he is beneath me and I can do better than him

    3. @ Palesa Yes HOW DARE YOU AND YOUR DIRTY MOUTH. Everyone has an opinion about another person including yourself. Have you never had an opinion about someone else's look? Madam Saint?Aren't we judgement of each other's? Get a life or a JOB.
      BTW, I'm a very beautiful successful and FYI happily married to a very handsome and successful man that is father to my smart intelligent children. Just having my own opinion and too blessed to be bitter Dearie. There is not even an inch of bitterness in my blood so get over your miserable, sad and lonely life Madam And who are you? I'm sure you are a lost one sitting behind her keyboard telling people not to have an opinion.
      Listen, I have a perfect life and it doesn't get better than what my life is about and I said it with all humility and thanks to God and hard work. I'm sure you are one little chicken sitting behind your 100 years old phone or computer giving an opinion here with your stinking self which can be smelled from miles away. You have been cursed many times by too many people on this blog before so I will just disregarded your diarrhea mouth as someone looking for unnecessary attention

    4. At Anon 10.50 I totally agree with you about everyone having an opinion and aren't we all judgemental about one another too?
      At Palesa Get over yourself and stop taking every comment to the South. Life is too short for being political correct all the time. Please live and let's live What makes this blog interesting is the comments and is up to Aloba to post the comment or not. Stop
      Fighting for people that doesn't know or care about your existing. Trust and believe that if the comment bothers them, and which it does sometimes, they always get in touch with Aloba to delete it and doubt if they need your big mouth self to be their advocate. I remember how I was attacked then by you just because I said the truth about Ehizogie when she got married as the 3rd wife to Mr Dummy. Stop fighting a lost battle and please get another hobby that is more rewarding than attacking people for having an opinion

  2. the kind of events I tend to avoid.You can tell it will be crawling with social climbers

    1. Social climbers and Ho/Runs girls

  3. i like that comment @Palesa..dont mind them

    1. @ 7.40. Sorry o Palesa mouthpiece. "Don't mind them". Why won't she mind them when her mouth is too big for her body. She need to zip it and mind her own non existing life

  4. My dear mama born girl,I terribly miss ur sizzling gist.shower us with some..😘

  5. Anon 7.04pm, you must be made. Such a disgusting arrogant bitch feeling like she's worth anything. What do you mean by Kunle Aluko is "beneath" you? Who the hell are you? If this is what most females who visit this blog are like then I'm afraid you're mostly such empty and vain nonentities... Your only claim to achievement is leeching on one successful man or the other, and yet you bask in a false sense of self-worth.
