Saturday, March 2, 2019


That Chief Mrs. Florence Ita-Giwa, a Princess and a former Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a well celebrated Nigerian matriarch has never been in doubt. She is one top Nigerian celebrity, that is hardworking and has never only depended on politics to maintain her gorgeous lifestyle. The London trained nurse (she attended Kilburn Polytechnic) has always over the years invested well and for many that might not have known, she has investment in the oil and gas sector and some other lucrative sectors of the economy that have yielded good interests over the years, hence her ability to live well and enjoy the best things of life.

For someone that works hard, it suffices also then that, if they can afford it, the should play hard too. In terms of playing hard, what Chief Mrs. Florence Ita-Giwa has spent her good money on over the years, has had to do with those things that helps with her well-being.

It is a known fact of life that she loves well appointed properties, of which she has a couple & the other major thing she's also known and celebrated for, is her style we mean as per fashion. The former Senator and adviser to a Nigerian President, is an undisputed fashion icon, who has shown her mettle of the years gone by and has won so many awards over the years too, In fact too numerous to count. She is one one well known celebrity known very well to support both the old school designers as well as the new school, up and coming ones to encourage them. She's also known to patronize some of the best Lebanese brands and designers too for those her one of a kind outfits, that she loves to wear.

The highly influential philanthropist per excellence was 73 years old this year, February 2019 to be more precise and because she has taken care of herself very well over the years, you could be very well deceived to think that she's not a day older than 55!

So to celebrate her 73rd year on earth, the very elegant, very classy, highly connected woman, who normally hosts an annual very classy birthday celebration, has thought to celebrate this year's occasion by extending her business frontier, with the opening of her pet dream, her own 5 stars restaurant named "Echoes of CALABAR". It's a well known fact that MMA BAKASSI loves where she is from to a fault, always very concerned about the plight of her people. So this restaurant is a part of the celebration of her heritage, which she has always loved to put in the front burner. The Calabar/Akwa Ibom people are known for their super tasty food, amongst other things.

Mma Bakassi like she is so very well known, majorly because of her love and care for her people from Bakassi, would be declaring the restaurant open tomorrow, Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 5pm and it is expected to be with loads of pomp. The address of the first class place is 285, Akin Olugbade Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. Knowing the humble politician for who she is and how her friends always rally around her to support whatever she does, just like she does too, the place is expected to be jam-packed by the who-is-who of the celebrity heaven. So expect a classy ambience, great atmosphere and good food. There would be a lot of tasting to do too!!!! Hmmmmm yummy 😋 

It's another year added, for the lady of style and we are very happy to congratulate her and celebrate her, happy belated birthday ma. And more great, stylish and healthy years ahead.

Hip hip hooray!!!!

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