Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Ex-beauty queen, mother of one and rising entrepreneur 'Dabota Lawson' gets all our undivided attention this morning, as she's the cover star for the newest edition of EM, that's talking about 'Exquisite Magazine' the digital edition.

The self named (eponymous) make up brand owner is all shades of hotness on this issue that you have to subscribe to read. We are too sure that the 6 footer with the bodacious body that would give Jessica Rabbit a run for her money, who always always looks stunning in her pictures on the gram, would be opening up to us all on her steady and sure rise to stardom and fame. Loads of us her fans would want to know what it takes to become a success and what one needs to do to achieve it. Being one she should able to give us 1 or 2 sure advise.

The fashionista socialite cum celebrity in the last few years even after a failed marriage has not allowed one unfortunate misstep, to cramp her style or overshadow her success at all. She has shown to the world the definition of doggedness and hardwork and the need to develop one self, while not waiting for one man or the other to pick the bills. Not only does she own her own make-up brand which we hear is getting more and more popular by the hour, she being the best one to advertise the products in her range herself. She also owns a mini shopping complex along Admiralty, Lekki Phase 1, where other shop owners are paying her rent. That's what it means multiple streams of income. We know her to be a very sharp, smart business woman.

So it's not about mistakes or misfortunes not happening at all, especially in a world where there's light and darkness, white and black etc. It's majorly about how when these negative things come, how one stands to handle such and using it as a stepping stone to higher heights & gaining confidence along the way doing it.

So, rush now to subscribe to EM, so you can read all about our Tuesday bombshell - the one and only Dabota Lawson.

As an aside, we saw her at the recently concluded Arise Fashion Week 2019 on the Frow and she was looking extra gorgeous in her indigo blue sexy wrap outfit causing a major stir with her bodacious shape when she got up to stretch those her long legs. 


  1. Don't know if it's the makeup but she's looking more like her original pre nosejob face. And this dreadful wig.

  2. For all I know, she ain’t all that but just a plain girl

    1. Always been plain. Nothing special

  3. What's wrong with her eye? Seems she has a lazy eye. No Surgery for that? Good thing she realises she has to diet, her behind looks more and more hideous as she adds weight .
