Saturday, November 23, 2019


We had deliberately refused to comment or even write anything about her during and after she was removed with seeming ignominy from the Big Brother Nigeria 2019 Pepperdem House, as she had played the role of a she-devil to absolute perfection then. Here was one lady that seemed totally cocksure that she was going to be one of the last people standing, without a doubt in the house, but if not for that one silly mistake she made, she could have fulfilled that dream without a doubt.

She had carried herself with such air of arrogance in the house that she grated all, in all the wrong ways possible. Especially also as she only related on her own terms alone with people. Pushing off people to a safe distance only seeing them when she wanted to. You are her friend at only her choosing and she seemed like she didn't care whose Ox is gored. Maybe because of her self confidence, many just didn't like her at all, so they somehow also created the image about her of a villain. But even at that, by her own uncompromising attitude too, she gave fuel to what was been presented about her to the watching world. And we all just lapped it up good too.

So most only saw her as she was casted, some sort of maleficent at that. One with bad attitude, totally arrogant, all the adjectives that comes to form just a word-BIT#$! So when after her altercation with another strong housemate in the person of Mercy Eke who is also referred to as 'the Lamborghini mercy', who was in fact that only person that was seen as her direct rival and competition to beat and she was summarily disqualified and flushed out from the house, in the aftermath of what could have turned into a brawl. Those who felt she was a bad influence and bad person and therefore a good riddance, were so happy and couldn't contain their joy.

Her dismissal from the house we believe, made it a more easier win and paved the way easily for the eventual winner, to sail home towards the prize-N60m in cash and gifts, without the fight to the finish that we had anticipated. Were Tacha to have remained in that house till the end, maybe it would have been another story now that we are talking about . Just maybe!!!!!!

So with that dismissal, many had thought that the lady in shame and embarrassment would have receded into her anonymous cocoon. Maybe she would have gone into an embarrassed quietude, to silently go repackage herself and maybe gradually climb up quietly again afteraa while as a newly reborn Tacha, a new PH's 1st daughter.

But alas that has not been the case for the undisputed queen of the Titans. In fact, from the moment she was disqualified and asked to leave the house, her fans have been relentless even till date. They have shown to their queen that warts or no warts, they love her as she is. There's truly no better way to define love, other than this. Though it was created then that she has/had bad body odour, it seems like it was either an outright lie from the pits of hell against her and a creation from the minds of those who desperately wanted her out at all cost or maybe it is that, having come to the realization of her issue and owing it, she has now learnt to deal with it appropriately.

Since her dismissal it has been like a jump after another higher jump for Tacha. She has not rested on her oars at all. Brands have come calling. Fans have supported incredibly and outrageously. Though some of the so called heavyweight fans actually lied as they only made noise to chase clout, her die-hard fans in their thousands or tens or  hundreds of thousands have not backed down! If she was an actual influencer before, she has since quadrupled her value now.

Her handlers must be very well commended for doing an absolutely amazing job of riding the waves of the controversies atound her and keeping her on top of those waves and not allowing her to fall at all, so as to go wallow in self-pity and spiral into negativity. She is in fact, giving the winner of the BBN 2019 Pepperdem Gang House a run for her money in all areas. In terms of prominence et al.  In fact on IG she's several thousands of followers ahead of Mercy, who has 914000 mercenaries to Tacha's own 947000 titans. Mercy got Ciroc endorsement, Tacha too got something from them too.

Imagine now that the same tarty looking one before, is now the 'Tacha the Sophisticat! Away from the somewhat dirty looking, somewhat unkempt way of before, that over made up personality that we used to see before, though the make up is still as loud, but it's a bit more toned and better applied now. The dress sense as since now received some sense and is loads more funky, stylish and beautiful.

We have never ever seen Tacha look this beautiful and glam before. There's what white seem to do to her. Red is also her colour too, from the looks of it. We are loving this totally revamped, re-made, re-branded Tacha. Let's hope she will continue to be the best of herself.


More pictures after the break.


  1. She should please keep her boobs covered, not a good look at all.

  2. Truth is how old is she now that already are boobs have turned to full slippers? This gal is an old woman claiming to be a young gal oooooo. One prays that all the so called revamping one tin one tin can wprk forever oooooo.

    1. Because you've not seen her in real life.... She's way younger in real life than in pics.. As for the boobs, most times its not age, it may be how hormones or body structure.. Don't body shame her

  3. My question simple is,Can these ladies not attempt to carve a niche for themselves without necessarily objectifying themselves,exposing their bodies ,both the sightly and unsightly parts to us?

  4. If you see Tacha in real life,youll know that even pictures reduced her beauty.. Kaiiii!! I saw this girl at the airport in Ph, and I was like whatttt!! She looks way younger and beautiful in real life, than in pictures and television

  5. Seen her in real life. She is more beautiful than the photos

  6. Yeah right. Saw her on tv when she ran out of cream🙄

  7. Aloba kindly escort these razz people out of our blog please.I don't even know how they found their way here, please go back to Nairaland,Instablognija,linda ikeji blog.we don't discuss such infantile, socially awkward issues here

  8. Nigerian role model
    How disgusting. I feel sorry for Nigerian young generation this is the best yall got
    Tell her to wear a bra stop showing her disgusting over squeezed flat breast.

    She reeks smelly razz and ghetto.

    May all her fans respond. I understand your struggle. Bella Disu is my teenage nieces role model not this disgusting thing.

    Nigerians the lost and confused generation with useless arrogant rude reality show TV personalities as role model
    Whar a shame. No wonder the nation is in shambles

    1. Tacha is not the cause of your frustration and bitterness,swerve!
