Sunday, July 10, 2011


It was celebration galore during the week, when we saw the MD/CEO of Movida Nite Club-Akeem Sodeinde whose beau had just dropped a bouncing baby girl for him, the little bundle of joy is Akeem's first baby and he was on top of the moon, when he told us about the baby, both the baby & mom are said to in perfect condition, and early this new week would be the naming ceremony.

It has been a fantastic year for Akeem, from what we hear, his club is said to be raking in good money every weekend to the tune of many millions, and according to some of the revelers at the club, Akeem seems to have a Midas touch when it comes to running a club, the deejay at the club is reputed to be one of the very best in the business, to the extent that on club nites most do not know its morning until they step out of the venue for a breather. To show that all work and no play is not good at all, Akeem has decided to bless himself with some of the very good things of life, most especially wonders-on-wheels, very soon if you see a Billionaire apparel clad dude( we hear that's his favourite clothing brand now), driving a Bentley on the road with MOVIDA as the number plate, be rest assured it’s the Jewelry loving Akeem (Another MR.T in the making) that's at the driver's seat, we hear he has just bought a white Bentley and a BMW M6 amongst several cars, he is said to have bought in recent times.

  The big dude popular called the general is having undiluted fun, or dont you think?.

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