Monday, January 27, 2020


It has taken 2 plus years for this conviction to finally come and  finally according to the law court, husband killer Maryam Sanda has been found guilty of culpable homicide and for that, the court has ruled that she also must pay the supreme price too, which is death by hanging!

What a sad sad tale and sad end it is, for something that could have been avoided, if only restraint could have been employed and embraced.

Maybe now the family of her late murdered husband would finally find closure. But for her own family, friends and admirers, it's pain and anguish as they would see their daughter, sister, cousin, niece, grandchild and friend lose her life, for killing the former love of her life, Bilyaminu.

The High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, on Monday convicted and sentenced Maryam Sanda to death by hanging for the murder of her husband, Bilyaminu Bello.

Delivering the judgment, Justice Yusuf Halilu, held that there was circumstantial evidence coupled with her testimony and statement to the police that she “fatally” stabbed her husband to death in Abuja on November 19, 2017.

The judge ordered that she should be remanded in Suleja prison till she would have  exhausted all her right of appeal.

Maryam Sanda, a mother of two, her mom and her other relatives broke down in tears immediately the judge pronounced her guilt.

Maryam's mother who had occupied a back seat immediately ran out of the court as she wept profusely on hearing the judgment. Maryam herself in shock, while in tears rushed out of the courtroom too, which was just next to the dock, but the judge ordered that she should be brought back to the courtroom immediately.

In the middle of the ensuing confusion, the defense lawyer attempted to make a plea for allocutus (plea for mercy)  but the judge said he needed to rise for the courtroom to be restored to normalcy.

The judge then said he would return to deliver the sentence after some minutes.

When the judge eventually returned from the break, he said the offense for which Maryam was convicted being one based on Section 221 of the Penal Code, there would be no room for allocutus.

“It has been said that thou shall not kill. Whoever kills in cold blood shall die in cold blood,” the judge said.

“Maryam Sanda should reap what she has sown,” he said, adding, “it is blood for blood”.


  1. The crime was horrendous, the judgement is heartbreaking. May Allah make it easy for her, Ameen.

  2. It was a despicable crime that she committed. We all must learn to control our anger as it can lead to what we cannot control and that we would pay a dear price for. How could she have thought that her claim that she broke the shisha glass mistakenly and her husband now fell on it also by mistake and then she saw the broken bottle on his chest be true? Then imagine she claimed she now removed the bottle and used her scarf to try to stop the blood. She convicted herself without a doubt.

  3. In all of this, the children would suffer...they should spare her for the children

    1. Spare her to take care of the kids in prison abi !That lady will kill more people if let loose.she is not remorseful at all.

  4. So what about the mother the late husband was shagging? Is she happy now too? Rubbish judgment if it was the other way round it would have bn the work of the devil. Life sentence would have made it but blood for blood coming from a judge sounds like a vendetta judgment.

  5. Men kill their wives in this country, how many made it to court let alone being jailed or hanged. They just gone on marry another wife and live their lives as of nothing happened. TRAVESTY.Women have no tights in this country.
