Monday, January 27, 2020


When they exchanged their wedding vows a couple of years back 2014 to be more precise, it was a talk of the town nuptial they had, as good money was well spent to make it one of the weddings of the season then. While Dr. Sid, full name Sidney Esiri was one of the raves of the moment then, being one of the artists on Don Jazzy's label, his wife Simi was from a wealthy home and had a good job. Their families left no stone unturned to make sure it was a befitting nuptial.

Fast forward now to a couple of years after and after 2 adorable kids, girls for that matter-Sydney & Sarah, it's a sad story instead as the center couldn't hold no more and both have to part ways permanently. They had had much trouble and turbulence all through. Some had even speculated that part of the issue was because the dentist turned music star, who had followed Don Jazzy his boss from Mo Hits to Mavin Records with the likes of D'Prince, Tiwa Savage and Co wasn't as buoyant or liquid as he used to be when he and record mates were ruling the airwaves and balling extraordinarily. So maybe as things weren't too good, madam stepped in more and more. All of that are unconfirmed speculations! 

There were stories of altercations in the past, as it's common in nearly all marriages too. In fact it was said that Simi used to slap her husband around and abuse him (domestic abuse), which she has denied in strong terms. They had parted for a bit and later tried to come back together and people felt they must have learnt their lessons and would be more careful now, to at least make things work. But alas, seems like everything has totally collapsed and scattered now. Simi herself released a statement, where she stated very clearly that the marriage was done for and is irrevocably headed towards divorce and that both would do their best to be good Co-parents. See the letter above.

May they both find future bliss in their chosen paths. 


  1. Whatever! There is no smoke Without Fire.

    1. What good job does Simi have....

  2. Simi is free from that fcukboi. Praise the Lord.
    What a disrespectful, broke, entitleed, neer do well.
    Simi has her skoin skoin but nobody deserves that sort of useless husband.

  3. But Simi's voltron is marriage not supposed to be for better for worse? Didn't she see the signs before they got married? Maybe she too was a clout chaser who got there and now saw that it wasn't what she thought it would be like. She wan marry star, she marry finish see say na package. I believe she was truly slapping him around.

  4. Sid was never right for her. How we saw that but she never did is what remains a mystery

  5. Simi got what she wanted jare! Only that she had believed the hype, thinking she would become music royalty. She got in and must have found out that all that glitters is not gold. In Mo Hits the big boys were Don Jazzy and D Bank, all the others were scrambling for crumbs. Then Dr Sid did all that was possible to tear Don Jazzy and D Banj apart, to make way for him. Even when the move to Mavin Records, there fortune had begun to decline. So much as they push nothing for them and even D banj was leaving on past glory. Dr. Sid was actually just in the periphery, but Simi fell for all the razzmatazz that was just plastic. So all she got was what she deserved.

  6. Simi had access to luxury, she wanted fame and got it from Sid. Sid wanted backup money incase music stopped paying his bills.

    In few years, the fame dropped and Simi's mother wasn't ready to be backup for Sid. Their love went South.

    For those saying Sid is a community dixk, Simi wouldn't have minded if he provided her luxury and the fame was blooming.

    Wishing them both the best.

    1. @Sid wanted backup money incase music stopped paying his bills

      His back up should be his dentistry degree.

    2. Obviously he didn't think that way. Because when his financial problems started, he didn't dust his medical certificate. Instead he let his MIL stress him out.

  7. I hope this Sid is not lazy sa. You have a certificate and you are allowing yourself to be painted this way? O ga o.Youngman should lift his ass up and get working joor. Nobody likes liability spouse.

  8. Simi the husband beater awon set Maryam Sanda. Congratulations Dr Sid from coming out alive.

  9. When Sid wanted to marry Simi,his family kicked against it because of Simi's rep of spending thousands of pounds on shopping. But his mom said they're envious of him.

    When they married, Simi used to report every incidence in their marriage to her mom. And the mom started to intervene. A woman who controls her husband intervening in a marriage spells doom.

    1. Do you work in the Esiri/Osomo household?
