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Friday, October 20, 2017


Sijibomi OGUNDELE aka Sujimoto

Siji with guests 

With Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Sijibomi Ogundele is his real  name, but he is also very well known by his exotic sounding moniker or is it alias, Sujimoto.

He is a young and very resourceful man, especially blessed with the "gift of the garb". That he can talk, is second nature to him. He dresses well, he is a dandy who always looks dapper when you encounter him. He runs his own "eponymous'' establishment-Sujimoto; a brand that is into the construction, renovation and marketing of *premium real estate". He has a very ambitious project planned that would take him into the stratosphere, when executed.

He is a man of extraordinary sagacity, he goes to great lengths the make you understand where he is coming from and where he is hoping to land or be in the nearest future!

This very "eligible dude" from the source, who counts as one of his life's icon the Grand Sheikh of Dubai, just very recently waxed very lyrical about his desire to find true love, before the year ends (by Christmas).

In his text found on his Instagram page, he spoke about what the "lucky angel, his princess" that would mesmerise him continuously and sweep him off his feet to fall sweetly, on the magical Aladdin like mat of love would gain for their love for him- His carrot (🥕) which he hopes to crown the lady with- "A beautiful house (home) in Banana Island (that stupendous enclave of the super rich) & a Rolls Royce (we don't know which of the Rolls Royce, but it is still probably one of the best and most luxurious of super cars, but we prefer to refer to it as the 'ultimate chariot').

So damsel, lady, babe where are you hiding? "Prince Charming aka Sujimoto" like the Prince in the Cinderella story is searching for his princess, are you gorgeous enough to wear those gorgeous and very delicate glass slippers? Do you fit the bill? All the "unfine/ugly step sisters need not apply!

It's only 2 more months to December, so get cracking!!!


Anonymous said...

Dangling a house in Banana and RR, homie u have no game!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you, Mr Moto! I like the fact that he hustled to get to where he is and not on branded name or ancestral wealth!

Anonymous said...

Says a "Hater! A house in banana and RR isn't cheap so game on!

Anonymous said...

Caveat emptor!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Suji is the youngest billionaire in Lagos. He owns over 10 properties in Ikoyi. Keep up the good work bro.

Anonymous said...

The second to the last pic looks like Dabota and Grandpa Sunny.

Anonymous said...

It sounds fake jor

Anonymous said...

It sounds fake jor

Anonymous said...

Aloba go and bring banke alakija balogun family pictures. Banke, her parents and siblings dab in a new family picture on bellanaija, Note @people on bellanaija question why she did not wear her ring, same as her sister. And where are their husband's? Are they not part of the family? Abeg bring the pictures here..

Anonymous said...

Did Aloba just delete the King and his liar girlfriend named SM? Someone is coward on this blog and the person is Aloba. Did you pay you to take the story down or you are afraid? Double standard

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump of 9ja.

Anonymous said...

Funny you used a pix of Dabota. She thought he was her baby daddy, until the baby came out looking like the carbon coby of "grandpa" (ex) hubby!

This man is a fake! Uses pix of reidences being built in Ghana etc. for his social media pages!

Doesn't he also have a prison record in Spain??

Anonymous said...

This fraud mtchewwww

Fan said...

You are correct about Spain. Interesting re-Dabota. I thought it was a long stretch between when she left her husband and when she got pregnant. I may be wrong.

Siji has been linked with a few girls of late - Sisi pictured here, Mr Glo's daughter who recently got married and the Taxman's daughter. (Taxman was in Lagos, now in Abuja and will soon be carrying on with another role along his current role in Geneva) Marry one now, one of the ones who is single.

Anonymous said...

Yes I noticed it. "the handsome bachelor king and his liar girlFriend"
just vanished just like that. Aloba please repost and don't sellout

Anonymous said...

Yes I noticed it. "the handsome bachelor king and his liar girlFriend"
just vanished just like that. Aloba please repost and don't sellout

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mehn! Anonymous have finished this guy! Reduced him to nothing! Hahahahaha! Poor chap!

Anonymous said...

Please who decoded that story that aloba deleted? Who is SM & handsome bachelor?

Anonymous said...

SG and not SM. Handsome bachelor is a royal father.

Anonymous said...

He's classy! I will still date him than date all these JJC money miss road yahoo boyz.

Anonymous said...

Sophie M... and prince of Benin

Fan said...

It was indeed SG and not SM. Now you are trying to rope whoever Sophie M is into some ish she knows nothing about.

Anonymous said...

At Anon 11.59 So who is the SG? and the subject?

Anonymous said...

Who is SG?

Anonymous said...

Haaaa... Chai prince of Benin ké? I was still praying to GOD to jam him. Sophie M? Is that OBO baby mama?

Anonymous said...

This young man should be in the comedy business😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

But that’s what he is a jjc money miss road yahoo boy who is reformed!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!Youngest billionaire in Lagos! Never heard of him. He should marry a regular girl, a girl from a poor home, a humble girl with virgin hair! Help the poor too! Love can be found in ugly places! My own opinion!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Names please