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Thursday, July 9, 2020


Chidera Jedidiah

...THE YOUNG MAN CLAIMS THERE WAS FAR MORE TO IT THAN WHAT WAS PAINTED IN THE VIDEO EXPOSED BY MOM THAT HAS NOW GONE VIRAL! Apparently there had been a systematic destruction of relationship between son and mother, son and others over a period of time. So in his attempt at explaining how side, maybe the world would see what could have pushed him so far to react as crazily as he reacted! 

The video of what had transpired privately had gained so much traction and reaction after many had seen it just yesterday, where the young dude by name 'Chidera Jedidiah' was seen thrashing terribly at that, his mother's former spick and span kitchen at their home in Dublin, while the mom at a safe distance became a spectator, while the unbelievable scene was unfolding.

In the video, the mother was seen explaining to a couple who had asked, why her son had gone berserk and had decided to mess up her kitchen! The action of the young man has was seen in the video had elicited major reactions (shock) from the couple and all those who viewed the actions of the boy, who just by seeing that video alone, felt the son was useless or terrible and more. Many without knowing the side of the son, had taken sides and were already giving advices on what the mother should do or should have done. The boy even claims to have gotten [death threats]!

So after the boy got to know that his actions had gone viral and he had now become an unfortunate/unwilling star/fiend in a situation he shouldn't have been seen in, he has thought to air/explain his own side of the matter/mess too to the world. So via his Twitter account he released a series of statements of the version of his own story and where he is now and the situation presently.

See the messy video above. Most of what he said have also been transcribed here below for you all to read. See & read for yourself-

My actions as seen in this video wasn’t isn’t because of “disagreement” or a “passport” issue as my mum describes in the video. My mum is a very abusive, aggressive and violent person… and she has been all my life.

When I say aggressive and violent, I am not exaggerating… I have endured plates/knives thrown at me. I even have to remove my mattress and put it up to the door when I sleep for fear she will do something to me in my sleep as she frequently threatens to.

I have kept all of this very private… not even my friends and good friends knew. So I was in shock to find this video circulating the internet. I have tried talking to her about it but she is to deep in her “Nigerian culture” to ever listen and ends up having aggressive fits

She then left me no other choice when she kicked me out of the house about over a month ago to report myself in. This how social workers and Gardaí were brought in. I was moved to numerous places over the duration of this month and feared going back to her abuse.

But after a conversation from the man and the woman seen in this video, I decided to go back home and make it work with my mum (with my social worker present of course). Unfortunately, as you all can see this “peace” didn’t last long.

The day of this altercation, I had indeed asked for my passport to fill out college applications But my mum wasn’t at all cooperative… in fact at this point … she had been ignoring me in the house and refusing to feed me I was cycling to my friends house daily to eat.

So to avoid one of her violent outbreaks I went and looked for it myself without her knowledge. When I couldn’t find it I did go back to her to ask her for it again… where she then began to be aggressive and violent trying to physically lift me -!: remove me from the room.

She was groping slapping and punching me… and obviously I will not fight my own mother back so I told her to stop or I would begin to break things At this moment that was the only way I saw, for me to get her to stop without being violent back to her .. however she continued

So I broke a few things like hairdryers ( we were still upstairs at this point) and my little brother called the guards The guards arrived and seeing as how they could resolve the issue they warned both me and my mother to stay away from eachother till Tusla were notified(again)

The guards so made their way downstairs and I accompanied them because I wanted to make myself food… ( my mum was still present through all of this and didn’t voice her disagreement to me making food) The guards told me to make my food and go straight to my room.

So the guards left and I was downstairs making food… when my mum came rushing downstairs hysterical… telling me I had no right to touch her food , fair But I asked her why she didn’t say this when I told the guards I was going to make food .

She got angry and turned off the burner and trying to manoeuvre my way out of another altercation I went to the fridge to eat a cold leftover … she slapped it out of my hand. What she did next was what provoked the actions you see in this video

She took powdered pepper and threw it in my face… and while I was still disoriented she grabbed a moping stick and reapeatedly beat me with it … she then grabbed me and bit me I still didn’t retaliate or fight back .

After this vicious attack she then proceeded to call the three adults featured in this video, her exact words were “You better get here before I kill Chidera” They were there in the next 5 minutes. I had to take off my t shirt and soak it and put it on my face to cool the pepper.

At the moment I just felt sheer rage and instead of getting physical or aggressive with my mum … I decided to trash the kitchen as u see in this video. Looking back at it… it might not have been the best solution but I didn’t know what else to do.

The guards were called again and they returned just 30 minutes after they had left and detained me. I was put into emergency care And I have been in foster since that day last week.

I feel nothing towards this family other than pure disgust and hatred for the way they all treated me ( my brothers and fathers included) And I don’t think I can ever bring myself to ever reconcile with them .. I have changed my number and deleted all contact with them.

I have kept all this private to protect all of us as we can all be negatively be impacted by this. But for me to come on social media and receive nasty death threats and messages and finding out they posted this video and painted the narrative completely differently.

You might all ask me why I didn’t correct my mother’s grossly false version of the events while I was smashing things. The answer is I was so consumed by rage and anger after what had just happened to me. And as u can see in the video I didn’t care about anyone.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that is fine But as of now the family is dead to me and all I’m focused on is my future and college. Again I would like to sincerely thank everyone who knew that there was more to the story and knew the truth and supported me.

Love x


Anonymous said...

I don’t believe him. How can his parents , brothers & sisters hate him ds much? No one in their home is on his side? What has he been doing that is wrong for them to treat him that way? Why would his mum refuse giving him documents to be used for school enrollment? Has he been playing truancy or an outlaw in previous sessions? If actually d mum was toxic & he’s always scared, he wouldn’t destroy all that , for fear of his mum ‘s reactions . His mum & every one that I saw in that video looked afraid to confront him. For a mother to throw his child into d street, he must have been a pain in d neck ,must have had enough. We haven’t heard from his family yet. I’ve been to his new IG page , he mentioned it to his friends that it’s his new page, probably tried to clean up certain stuff on his previous page , he left very few pics. Check it out & see his pics with friends & he looks older than 18years. He’s Chxdeks on IG.

Anonymous said...

My dear, you haven't seen witchcraft operate. Hmmmm .it happened to me and I am female. My mother's family turned her against me. She hated me so much people thought I was a maid. She would refuse me food etch, I had to run away from the the house for my sanity. To tell you , it was a boyfriend that paid for my tuition fees up to graduation,hmmmm Satan knows how to attack families that are not close to God in prayers. It was on one of my search for answers that I got to know the real devil that caused our problem. My mother's mum. The woman was a black cat, wife of lucifer she was. She hates any thing good and anything from God. Hmmmm it's real when you see parents hate on their kids o, always look deep. Thank God the witch eventually died, I am a grown woman now and my mother is out there looking for me, but I can't allow such into my life now as I am so much they never expect of. I can't even allow them get to know my kids or meet my husband. I no for use my hand carry snake enter house. Things are happening biko. It's like Africans nd lucifer are in contract together??? I dnt must understand.